Donald Trump Pokemon

Escaping the Trump Administration through Pokémon

Great, America. We did it. Donald Trump is the president of the United States.

Now, much like during the rule of Biff Tannen in Back to the Future part III, a billionaire butthead will stomp all over the little guy.

He’s ready to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, prepared to tear-apart families and will stop at nothing to silence the media. That’s about as funny as a screen door on a battleship.

Donald Trump is Biff Tannen

Trump’s rule very well could look a lot like Biff’s.


But as the Untied States backpedals to the land of racism, there is one place in my life that will continue to evolve. Trump can take away my job, destroy my health and deport my neighbor, but there’s one thing he can’t take away.


As my friends and colleagues wash-away their fears over our new commander in chief with alcohol, I prefer to escape my sorrows with an extended stay in the Alola Region.

In Alola, everyone is happy (save Team Skull, those assholes).

In the world of Pokémon, humanity lives in cooperation with nature, people help one another, the economy is booming and the world is at peace. Alola is in an incredible place—a place designed for children, sure—but I’d rather pretend to live in Alola than live in the real world.

An escape from the reality of Trump

Pokémon is the ultimate escape. When I open my Nintendo 3DS and boot up Pokémon Sun, I feel transported to another world. This isn’t a feeling that’s unique to Pokémon, but it’s a special–and even dangerous–thing that video games accomplish very, very well.

Years ago I was among the millions of World of Warcraft players whose soul was lost to Azeroth. I spent all day, every day in the online fantasy world because my life didn’t have a whole lot going for it. I was unsure of my future and worried that I would never land a “grown-up” job. WoW gave me an escape and a reason to get out of bed each morning.

World of Warcraft

Azeroth was home. All day, every day.


Flash-forward 10 years and I work three jobs, I’m engaged and I pay too many bills. I’m an adult now, and it totally sucks… Except for the engaged part. She’s fucking great.

My life will be a constant worry with Trump as president. I rely on the ACA to stay healthy and Trump’s take on the media puts my job taking photos for the newspaper in a grim place.

I’m afraid I’ll no longer be able to afford to work the career that I love.

I’m afraid that the love of my life won’t be able to get the medical attention she needs.

I’m afraid that my friends will be victims of racism.

I’m afraid that we’re totally fucked.

I’m not going to suffer as much as others under this administration, but my need for escape is greater now than ever before.

Escape is only temporary

When I play Pokémon nothing matters except for catching adorable creatures and training them to be the very best that they can be. When I play I don’t think about Trump, my financial future or the violence taking root in our country. I focus on leveling up my Litten and catching that evasive Abra.

It feels good to raise make-believe creatures in an upbeat fantasy world. My problems and worries melt-away with every Pokéball I throw.

In Alola there is no Trump. In Alola there is no hate.

But unlike my time with WoW, I’m old enough to realize there is a time when I need to face reality. An escape is great for a few hours, but Pikachu can’t pay the bills and I’m pretty sure he can’t vote.

I’ll be spending the weekend of January 20th covering protests and rallies aimed at the new administration. I’ll be in the thick of it. You see, reality hits like a motherfucker at my job.

Before I settle back into Alola I’m going to try my hardest to capture the anger and frustration that people are feeling. I owe it to them to work hard. I owe it to myself.

Though, when the day is done I’m going straight back to Alola.

That’s because Alola gives me something that I haven’t felt in the real world in a long time. Alola gives me hope.